Founded in San Francisco. Influenced by the urban streets of downtown San Francisco mixed with 

concepts dealing with the subconscious, heresy and stoicism, stoicSCHISM was born.

 By wearing stoicSCHISM, one acknowledges and embraces stoicism. Stoicism is the practice of living 

based on mental strength; one who is not controlled by emotions. A  stoic is always aware of one's mind, 

no matter the circumstance. Jealousy, greed, and fear do not exist in the world of a stoic due to yielding 

power over their consciousness. Empathy is given by the stoic; however, minimal sympathy is released.

stoicSCHISM's logo is a lion embroidered with sheep, representing the balance of power and

 weakness. The lion's power and anger is tamed by the mindless sheep which, in contrast, are fragile

 and shortsighted. Combined, they harmonize and create a stoic schism.